1. IWAI Will accept advertising on certain pages on our website as detailed below.
  2. Advertising can be linked to adverts in Irish Waterways News. Contact us to discuss your requirements.
  3. Current rates are displayed.
  4. Advertising is limited to advertising likely to appeal to visitors to the website and be limited tot hose businesses that are waterways-related: boat rental, chandlery, insurance, boat transport, restaurants on the waterways etc.
  5. Adverts are a maximum of of 210 pixels in height x 140 pixels in width. Shall be in JPG or GIF format and be no more than ~12KB. IWAI can assist you in generating your advert.Adverts on the front page are 170 pixels wide x 125 pixels high and are at a special rate.
  6. Adverts may be “tastefully” animated, with a low cycle.
  7. Adverts are linked to your website i.e clicking on the advert will result in the user being directed to your website. “Alternative text” can be displayed when viewer hovers over the ad.
  8. Bonus: All of our advertisers are automatically displayed in random order (3 ads per page) on our discussion forum page which had ~185,000 views in May 2012.
  9. Adverts can be displayed on specific pages upon request. And can also be displayed on our branches individual sites
  10. While we will endeavour to satisfy your requirements, exact placement of the advert is at discretion of the IWAI
  11. IWAI reserve the right to refuse to accept submitted advertising.
  12. Advertising must conform to all applicable advertising codes.
  13. IWAI reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions without further notice

For more information on advertising with IWAI contact us adverts@iwai.ie