Ruth Delany & Ian Bath This is a revised, more lavish edition of the book published in 1992. The book is the fruit of many years research by Ruth Delany and Ian Bath into the records of the canal company and other sources. the book begins with Ruth's log of the last journey along the canal in 1955 and then traces the story of how one of Ireland's principal waterways came into being. It covers the problems of construction, the rivalry with the Grand Canal, the active working years, the Midland Great Western Railway takeover and the decline and eventual closure of the canal. The book then recounts the campaign begun in 1974 to restore the canal and the parts played by the OPW, Ian Bath, Eddie Slane and others. The book is illustrated by photos, drawings, engravings, posters and maps and has a wealth of detail in the appendices about the company finances, tonnage carried etc.